
My father was diagnosed with optic nerve atrophy in his thirties. Does this mean that I and my future children might be at risk of inheriting this condition through generations?


Generally, optic nerve atrophy does not lead to germline inheritance. It is recommended to maintain a regular lifestyle and a balanced diet to ensure comprehensive and adequate nutrition, while adjusting your emotions. It is advisable to avoid eating puffed snacks, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, and limit the intake of seafood such as fish and shrimp. Quitting smoking and drinking is also recommended. It is suggested to drink more warm vegetable soups and rice congee, and actively participate in appropriate physical activities. If children show symptoms of optic nerve atrophy, parents should immediately take them to a doctor for treatment and avoid self-medicating to relieve symptoms. Parents should closely monitor their children’s symptoms and assist them in receiving timely treatment as much as possible.