
A patient with hand, foot, and mouth disease was still experiencing rashes after undergoing a detailed examination at the hospital and starting medication. What could be the possible reasons for this situation?


Hand, foot, and mouth disease patients may develop rashes during treatment due to the progression of the disease itself or drug reactions. Treatment for hand, foot, and mouth disease often involves interferons and other medications, with the treatment process potentially requiring up to two weeks to see results. During this period, patients should pay attention to staying warm and regularly check their body temperature and blood counts. If necessary, myocardial enzyme tests should be conducted to assess for complications such as myocarditis. At the same time, observe for symptoms such as coughing, which may indicate a risk of respiratory infection. Hand, foot, and mouth disease has a greater impact on children, so it is recommended that parents bring their children to a specialized hospital for consultation and treatment under a doctor’s guidance. In daily life, parents should provide their children with full attention and care, especially paying attention to their dietary health, hoping that the children can recover soon.