
Today, I took my son for a health check-up at the hospital, and the doctor said he has some calcium deficiency and rickets. What are the causes of rickets?


Generally speaking, rickets is caused by a calcium deficiency, which leads to abnormal bone development and causes discomfort. Don’t worry too much; it is recommended to actively implement treatment. In this case, it is suggested to actively provide calcium supplementation for the baby, which can include cod liver oil and ensure adequate sunlight exposure to enhance calcium absorption. You can start introducing complementary foods at around six months. If you are very worried, it is best to go to the hospital and undergo symptomatic treatment under the doctor’s guidance. Children are at risk of rickets, so mothers must take their children for immediate medical treatment and avoid various misconceptions. It is important to receive timely symptomatic treatment, and parents should observe their child’s condition in a timely manner and do their best to help their child receive timely treatment.