
If I have cared for a hand, foot, and mouth disease patient at home, what can I do to thoroughly sterilize the environment and prevent infection? Can I care for a child at home?


Hand, foot, and mouth disease is primarily transmitted through the digestive tract, with children under five being particularly susceptible. Here are some measures to prevent the spread of infection:

  • Wash the child’s face before feeding them.
  • Sterilize all utensils that have come into contact with the hand, foot, and mouth disease patient.
  • Try to keep the child away from playing with the patient to reduce the risk of infection.
  • UV lamps can be used for space sterilization, but people should not be in the room while using them as UV rays can harm the skin and cornea. These are the suggestions for the question “What to Pay Attention to After Caring for Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Patients.” I hope they are helpful to you. Wishing you good health! Hand, foot, and mouth disease can have a significant impact on children. It is recommended that parents take their children to a specialist doctor for a follow-up examination and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment. In daily life, giving children some juice can aid digestion and vitamin intake, preventing symptoms such as diarrhea. I hope the child recovers quickly!