
My child has hand, foot, and mouth disease; initially, they had a fever and rashes on their buttocks and couldn’t eat dinner. They have been taking medicine, and today is the fourth day, and they have a bit of fever again. What’s going on?


Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses. Fever is a defense response of the body; appropriate fever can greatly activate the immune system, helping to eliminate viruses and bacteria within the body. If the fever does not drop below 38.5 degrees Celsius without any harm to health, it is best not to use antipyretic medication. Drinking plenty of water helps in reducing fever and detoxification. When a child is disturbed by hand, foot, and mouth disease, families must seek medical attention promptly to avoid blind use of small advertisement drugs and to use medication appropriately. Parents should give their child enough care and attention, doing their best to help the child receive timely treatment for the illness.