
Dear pediatrician, my child is experiencing a severe nosebleed, and I’m very worried. The symptoms have been recurring, and we have had checks done. I hope the doctor can help us.


Children have abundant and delicate blood vessels in their nasal cavity, making them prone to rupture. Fever, dryness, and trauma can all cause nosebleeds. If the bleeding is minor, a cold towel can be applied to the root of the nose to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding is significant, please go to the hospital immediately. Additionally, frequent nosebleeds should also be checked by a doctor to avoid delaying the treatment. Pinching the nose. Use your hand to directly pinch the upper part of the baby’s nostril wing (the soft part of the nose) on the bleeding side, and apply pressure for about 5 to 10 minutes until the bleeding stops. (The nostril on the opposite side that is not bleeding does not need to be pinched and can maintain normal breathing.)