
A 10-month-old baby has not grown any teeth, and the parents are worried, fearing that this may be a sign of a health issue. Is this situation normal?


Generally speaking, the first baby tooth starts to emerge around 6 months of age. If a baby has not grown any teeth by the time they are 1 year old, it is diagnosed as late deciduous eruption. Your baby is not yet 1 year old, so there is no need to worry excessively. It is recommended to increase outdoor activities, allowing the baby to get more sun exposure, and consider supplementing with calcium oral liquid. If the baby has not grown any teeth by the time they are 1 year old, and the situation has not improved after supplementing with calcium and vitamin D, and other health issues have been ruled out, then you should bring the baby to the hospital for an X-ray examination to determine if there are tooth buds in the gums. If there are tooth buds, the teeth will eventually grow out; if there are none, it may be necessary to consider other options.