
Hello, my five-month-old baby has been experiencing diarrhea for several days in a row and has already been given half a packet of medicine. What other precautions should I take?


Pediatric diarrhea, also known as dyspepsia, refers to gastrointestinal disorders caused by dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. This condition can occur throughout the year, but it is more common during the summer and autumn seasons, often seen in infants under two years old. Persistent diarrhea may lead to consumption of Qi and Yin, and in severe cases, may even result in dangerous complications. Long-term untreated diarrhea often leads to malnutrition, delayed growth and development, and other sequelae such as malabsorption. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that infants have weak spleen and stomach. Improper feeding, unregulated diet, intake of cold or unclean food, or external wind invasion can all lead to this condition.