
How should leukopenia symptoms be alleviated? Are there effective treatment methods? Please provide medical advice.


For patients with secondary leukopenia and significant symptoms with a clear cause, medication treatment should be adopted under physician guidance. For those with unexplained leukopenia and mild symptoms, dietary therapy can be considered. Among these, Goji and Jujube Soup is believed to be effective. The preparation and administration method is as follows: take 9 grams of Goji berries, 30 grams each of Huangjing (Polygonum multiflorum) and Dazao (Chinese date), boil in water and take one dose per day, divided into two servings. Additionally, Ginseng is particularly suitable for patients with leukopenia characterized by Qi deficiency and insufficient Yang, leading to weakness, shortness of breath, and aversion to coldness.