
My baby has developed eczema on their head, and after applying medication, the area has now formed scabs. I’m worried about scarring. Can you please advise on what to do after the baby’s head eczema scabs?


Infant eczema is a hereditary allergic condition caused by environmental allergies. Due to a genetic defect in the C1 esterase inhibitor in the serum, capillary fragility and increased permeability occur, leading to neurovascular edema. To prevent and treat issues with your baby’s head eczema scabs, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Do not wash the eczema area with water, especially not with hot water or soap. Use disinfected vegetable oil or paraffin oil for wiping.
  2. Avoid contact with silk, wool, fibers in clothing, carpets, and other fabrics.
  3. In terms of diet, try to identify allergens. For example, if milk allergy is suspected, fresh milk can be boiled for a longer time; if allergic to protein, eat egg yolks alone; the nursing mother should temporarily avoid eating eggs, shrimp, crabs, and other foods.
  4. Visit a hospital for testing to identify allergens such as dust mites and pollen. These are the recommendations for preventing and treating issues with your baby’s head eczema scabs. I hope this helps.