
A four-month-old girl has a faint blue color in her sclera instead of white. Is this a normal phenomenon? Some doctors suggest that a blue sclera may be a sign of anemia, but there are also views that blue or blue purple sclera is common in infants due to their thin choroid, which allows the color of the choroid’s underlying Choroidal pigment layer to show through. This situation is considered a physiological phenomenon and does not require excessive concern. Newborns usually do not follow objects with their eyes during the period from birth to one month old. Generally, it is not until the baby is one month old that they start to fix their gaze on familiar sounds, people, or objects. It is recommended that parents closely observe whether the child has other symptoms.


The blue or purple color of a baby’s sclera is usually due to the thin choroid in infants, which allows the color of the choroid’s underlying pigment layer to show through. This is a normal physiological phenomenon.