
My daughter’s right eye often has a tearing problem, and this situation has been going on for a while. How should I handle it to improve this symptom?


Based on the description, the frequent tearing in your daughter’s right eye may be related to dacryostenosis. Dacryostenosis can occur at the punctum, lacrimal duct, lacrimal sac, or nasolacrimal duct, causing an obstruction in the lacrimal irrigation, leading to reflux of irrigation fluid, and possibly accompanied by purulent discharge. Clinical diagnosis usually relies on the results of lacrimal irrigation to determine the specific location of the obstruction. For treatment, it is recommended to use laser dacryocystorhinostomy. If the initial treatment is not effective, laser treatment can be repeated to achieve the purpose of unblocking, and a silicone stent can be left in place for 3 to 4 months after unblocking to maintain the patency of the lacrimal duct. If chronic dacryocystitis is present, it may be necessary to perform dacryocystorhinoplasty to solve the problem thoroughly.