
Why do hands develop cracks and skin breakdown in winter, while excessive sweating and skin breakdown occur in summer? What medications should be used for treatment?


During the dry autumn and winter seasons, the body tends to lose a significant amount of moisture through sweating and breathing, leading to dryness of the face and lips, and frequent peeling. Therefore, we need to take measures to prevent dryness. It is recommended to drink plenty of water, consume beverages such as boiled water, light tea, fruit juice, soy milk, and milk to nourish the body and replenish lost moisture. When bathing, avoid overusing soap and body wash to prevent damaging the skin’s surface oil layer, which can make the skin even more dry. In winter, the frequency of using soap and body wash should be limited to twice a week, with plain water rinsing being sufficient for daily use. After bathing, it is best to apply moisturizing lotion to reduce moisture evaporation.