
What are the clinical symptoms of scarlet fever? What causes this disease? How can effective treatment and prevention be carried out?


Scarlet fever is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by Streptococcus hemolyticus, which is more common in winter and spring and often affects children aged 2 to 8. In the early stages of the disease, patients may experience symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache, nausea, and vomiting. The throat may become congested with the tonsils appearing red and swollen. The face may appear congested without rashes, while the area around the lips and nose may appear pale, all of which are characteristic symptoms of scarlet fever. The rash usually subsides within 3 to 5 days, after which there may be varying degrees of peeling. When treating scarlet fever, it is important to ensure that the child gets plenty of rest to reduce physical exertion and heart burden, and to prevent complications. At the same time, encourage the child to drink plenty of water and provide nutritious and easy-to-digest food. For children with fever, appropriate antipyretic measures can be taken.