
My son is 4 years old, and recently, he has been complaining of itching and pain in his ear. Additionally, there is yellow earwax discharge, and his appetite and throat are also uncomfortable. Question: How should a child with otitis media and yellow discharge from the ear be treated?


Generally speaking, for pediatric otitis media, it is effective to administer some antibiotics according to the symptoms. You can also perform a bacterial culture of the ear secretion and use anti-inflammatory ear drops based on the test results. If the child is experiencing significant pain, you can also give some painkillers. Some children may also have fever, in which case you can give the child oral antipyretics. If these symptoms cannot be alleviated, it is necessary to seek medical attention. The above methods are currently common treatments for otitis media. Additionally, if there is a perforation of the eardrum, timely surgical treatment is required. During treatment, it is important to ensure that the child receives adequate nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light and easy-to-digest foods. Also, pay attention to rest and avoid fatigue.