
The mother of a 9-year-old girl discovered that her daughter has lumps on both sides of her breasts, worrying whether it is a sign of precocious puberty.


For a 9-year-old girl, breast development should be considered a normal phenomenon of adolescence. If lumps appear on both sides of the breasts, it should first be considered as a possible breast development caused by adolescence. However, if parents still have doubts, it is recommended to consult with a local gynecologist to undergo necessary examinations, such as gonadotropin testing, bone age assessment, and ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries, to rule out the possibility of precocious puberty. If the bone age matches the actual age, it does not belong to precocious puberty; if the bone age is ahead of the actual age, it may be precocious puberty and requires further active treatment.