
Within a few hours after birth, a newborn has developed many red bumps on their face and body. What is this condition?


Hello, based on your description, the red bumps that the newborn is experiencing may be a manifestation of toxemia. It is recommended to give the baby some traditional Chinese medicine with cooling and detoxifying properties. This situation usually does not pose any major problems. Additionally, it is common for babies of this age to have vomiting, as their stomachs are in a horizontal position, have a small capacity, and the lower esophageal sphincter is relatively wide with poor closure function. The pylorus connecting to the small intestine is relatively tight, and when the baby feeds, they often inhale air, causing milk to reflux into the mouth, leading to vomiting. When parents first see their baby vomiting, they may feel worried. However, by paying attention to the following aspects, you can effectively prevent your baby from vomiting:

  1. Feeding