
A newborn with yellow eyes and face after fifteen days, how should it be handled?


If a newborn still has jaundice after one month, whether it’s a full-term or premature baby, it should be considered pathological. Normally, jaundice should disappear within two weeks after the birth of a full-term baby and one month after the birth of a premature baby. If it does not disappear, it is considered pathological. Parents can observe the extent of yellowing of the newborn’s skin under natural light: yellowing only on the face is mild jaundice; yellowing on the trunk is moderate jaundice; if yellowing appears on the limbs and palms of the hands and feet, it is severe jaundice. If the newborn has mild jaundice and is eating normally with no abnormalities in bowel movements and urination, it is recommended to first observe and treat at home. First, give a moderate amount of sugar water to promote jaundice excretion, and pay attention to prevent the newborn’s body temperature from becoming too low.