
A one-month-old baby frequently cries, wanting to breastfeed every hour on average. They tend to fall asleep while feeding but wake up quickly after being put down and continue crying. When picked up, they become calm. Is this normal? How should one handle this situation?


This situation is normal, and parents should not worry too much. It should be corrected gradually. A baby who falls asleep before being fully fed may experience unstable sleep. It is recommended to avoid letting the baby fall asleep while breastfeeding, ensuring they are full before allowing them to rest. After feeding, the baby should be held upright, with their head resting on the mother’s shoulder, gently patting their back to help burp. Sometimes, a baby may have difficulty falling asleep due to gas, so it is suggested to develop a habit of feeding the baby every two to three hours. Avoid allowing the baby to develop a habit of biting the nipple during feeding.