
My child loves yogurt and drinks a bottle every day. Can a 9-month-old baby drink Shuangwaiya yogurt?


It is advised not to drink it. Shuangwaiya is a lactose drink with very little milk content. Yogurt drinks contain only lactose and do not have active lactic acid bacteria that can ferment. Yogurt drinks contain various additives that are not beneficial to the human body, such as sweeteners, citric acid, colors, and preservatives. Infants’ organs are not fully developed, so they should not drink drinks with various additives. Babies are prone to addiction. Because Shuangwaiya has a good taste and is relatively sweet, babies love to drink it, which may affect their normal milk drinking and eating. Since Shuangwaiya has fewer nutrients, it is recommended that even when the baby grows older, they should not drink this drink frequently.