
A parent of a six-year-old child noticed that the child could not clearly recognize the words on the blackboard from the back row of the classroom, suspecting that the child may have myopia or astigmatism. In this situation, what kind of examinations should be conducted?


For children, it is recommended to undergo a slow mydriasis refraction. If parents are eager to understand their child’s refractive status, whether it be myopia or hyperopia, they can first conduct a rapid mydriasis examination and then undergo a slow mydriasis refraction during holidays. The purpose of mydriasis is to alleviate eye fatigue, relax the adjusting muscles, and enable more precise measurement of refractive power. Mydriasis itself does not cause any adverse effects on patients. However, mydriasis requires the use of medication, and any medication can potentially produce side effects. Improper use may harm physical health. Therefore, when using mydriasis medication, it must be done under the guidance of a professional doctor or optometrist to ensure safety and effectiveness.