
A boy, aged 3, has been experiencing some pain in his ear for the past few days. There is yellow earwax discharge in the morning, a buzzing sound in the ear, and a slight fever. How should one treat a child’s otitis media with earache and swelling?


Currently, the main treatment for pediatric otitis media in clinical practice is the use of antibiotics, with symptomatic medication used according to the child’s symptoms, which generally yields good results. Topical anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used regionally for treatment. If ear pain is the primary symptom, it is recommended to use a moderate amount of pain relievers to alleviate discomfort. If there is a high fever, fever-reducing medication can be considered, but if the fever persists, it is imperative to seek medical attention promptly. In cases of repeated acute severe conditions or if there is already a perforation in the eardrum, timely surgical treatment should be conducted. It is advisable to maintain a light diet and consume mainly liquid foods during the treatment period.