My child is now 18 months old, but she seems to have had eye discharge since being weaned at 11 months. Sometimes, her eyelashes also turn inward. I was small when the eyelashes started to turn inward, but the doctor said it would get better as I grew older, which it has. But why does the eye discharge still occur so frequently?
Firstly, it’s important to rule out any eye diseases. Eye discharge after weaning is generally due to internal heat issues in infants who are bottle-fed. Therefore, we suggest giving your baby more water and increasing their intake of vegetables and fruits. You might also consider adding some companion products to the formula milk. If this condition persists after some time, it is recommended to try a different brand of baby formula. Additionally, ensuring your baby drinks plenty of water can help reduce internal heat, and you can also give your baby some herbal tea. I hope this answer is helpful to you.