
A 23-day-old newborn has had yellow eye discharge in the left eye since birth, accompanied by a small amount of tears. There is no inward bulging in the inner corner of the eye, and there is no redness or swelling of the eyelids. How should it be handled?


It is common for young children to have tears or eye discharge. It is recommended that parents massage the lacrimal sac area on the side of the affected eye daily. During the massage, gently place the thumb on the skin and gently massage from top to bottom in the lacrimal sac area, twice a day, four times each time. If the situation does not improve after massaging, the child should be taken to the hospital for lacrimal duct irrigation. If irrigation does not work, it is advisable to perform lacrimal duct probing as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may lead to inflammation around the lacrimal sac or formation of a lacrimal sac cyst, which is not only difficult to cure but also affects appearance.