
The newborn experienced a massive hemorrhage in the ventricles of the brain 13 hours after birth and was hospitalized for treatment at the municipal hospital for 25 days before being discharged. At discharge, the diagnosis included hydrocephalus and purulent meningitis. Is the issue of intracranial hemorrhage in newborns after discharge severe?


Hello, based on your description, intracranial hemorrhage in newborns is a common form of brain damage during infancy, which may be caused by hypoxia or birth trauma. Symptoms may include changes in consciousness, such as excessive excitement, drowsiness, or coma. It is recommended to continue to bring the baby to the hospital for treatment, including controlling seizures, lowering intracranial pressure, using drugs to restore brain cell function, stopping bleeding, and symptomatic treatment. Please closely monitor the baby’s condition and keep in touch with the medical team to obtain the best treatment plan.