
Recently, some parents have noticed that their infants’ skin has turned pale red or dark red, and their body temperature is slightly low. After hospital examination, it was diagnosed as infant hard edema. The parents want to know if infants with hard edema can eat seafood?


Infant hard edema is a syndrome caused by cold injury, infection, or preterm birth, characterized by subcutaneous fat hardening and swelling. This condition is more common during the cold season and often seen in severe infections, asphyxia, preterm birth, and low birth weight infants. Severe hypothermia and hard edema may lead to pulmonary hemorrhage, shock, and multiple organ failure, which can be life-threatening. In terms of diet, for infants with hard edema, it is recommended to follow the professional guidance of doctors, as not all foods are suitable. Seafood is rich in protein and nutrients, but whether it is appropriate for infants with hard edema should be determined by the doctor based on the specific condition of the infant.