
The newborn’s asphyxia situation was scored as 4 points immediately after birth, rising to 8 points half an hour later. Does this scoring indicate that the baby’s condition has improved? The doctor at the hospital said that due to a narrow birth canal, the baby experienced asphyxia and needs to be continuously observed for 24 hours. Is this assessment method reasonable?


Neonatal asphyxia refers to fetal hypoxia caused by various reasons before, during, or after birth, which may lead to intrauterine distress or impaired respiratory and circulatory function at birth. If there is no spontaneous breathing or regular breathing is not established within one minute after birth, appropriate rescue measures are taken, and the situation is assessed. Generally, a scoring is conducted immediately after the newborn is born. If the initial score is low but rises to 8 points half an hour after CPR, it indicates that the rescue efforts were effective. However, newborns who experience asphyxia due to factors such as a narrow birth canal still need to be closely monitored for at least 24 hours to ensure stable vital signs and prevent other complications. You can review this format of response to see if it meets your needs.