
After the neonate’s birth, their skin appears yellowish, they have decreased appetite, and they are drowsy. After being diagnosed by the nurse as jaundice, the condition has improved, but they still want to know the specific symptoms of neonatal jaundice.


Neonatal jaundice can be categorized into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. The typical symptoms of physiological jaundice include the yellowish discoloration of the baby’s skin, whites of the eyes, and oral mucous membranes within 2 to 3 days after birth. This yellowing is most noticeable on the face and chest, while the palms and soles remain unyellowed. The peak of jaundice usually occurs between the 4th and 6th day after birth. The jaundice in full-term infants generally resolves naturally between the 10th to 14th day after birth, while premature infants may continue until the third week.