
A patient experiences coughing after drinking a beverage, and the cough persists after returning from a trip the next day. Subsequently, symptoms such as fever, dizziness, sore throat, headache, and eye pain appear. How should medication treatment be chosen?


Such symptoms may arise from weakness of Qi and blood, reduced metabolism of blood circulation, and vasoconstriction due to low temperatures leading to poor blood circulation. It is recommended to supplement with foods rich in promoting blood circulation, such as sesame seeds, spinach, peanuts, tofu, fresh fish, dried longans, garlic, green onions, chili peppers, curry, etc. At the same time, consider taking nutritional supplements like ginseng royal jelly, lingzhi (reishi), ejiao (beef gelatin), monkey head mushroom, straw mushroom, black fungus (wood ear), silver ear, chaya (a type of tea), jujube dates, lily bulbs, etc. Additionally, increase physical exercise to train the body and strengthen the immune system.