
My baby just turned 5 months old, but she can only hold her head up for a few seconds. She can roll over, but does so rarely and only every few days. Her neck is steady when upright, but there is a slight tremble when turning her head from side to side. How long can a 5-month-old baby hold their head up?


Typically, babies start to lift their heads around three months old and can hold their heads more steadily by around four months. Additionally, most babies begin to roll over around three months. If your baby is not yet rolling over or shows some tremble when lifting her head, it might be a sign of slightly delayed development. It’s recommended to observe your baby’s head circumference and fontanel size, and if you have any doubts, it’s best to take your baby to the hospital for a check-up and confirmation. You can moderately train your baby’s ability to lift her head, but remember not to rush and to progress gradually.