
A three-and-a-half-year-old child appears to have delayed development compared to children of the same age, with a shorter stature and high level of activity. The child sweats excessively after slight exertion and has an unpleasant odor in the mouth. In addition, the child shows a tendency towards anorexia and selective eating, with poor digestion. The parents suspect that this may be related to stomach problems.


For the child’s dietary issues, the following measures are recommended:

  • Maintain a regular eating schedule, have meals at set times, and ensure dietary hygiene.
  • Keep a regular lifestyle, ensure adequate sleep, and develop a habit of regular bowel movements.
  • Consume a balanced diet, including whole grains and mixed grains, as well as fruits and vegetables.
  • Limit the intake of snacks and sweets, reduce consumption of sugary drinks.
  • Improve the eating environment to allow the child to focus on eating and maintain a cheerful mood.
  • Avoid using medication blindly; appropriate use of traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach, and promote digestion and absorption can be considered.