
My child has had a cold recently and has been running a fever for several days. Some opinions suggest that bathing can help lower body temperature. Is it suitable for a child to bathe during a cold and fever?


During a cold and fever, it is especially important to avoid catching a chill while bathing. If parents are concerned, they can opt to use warm, damp towels to wipe the child’s body. Overbathing is not advisable and should be handled with caution. Additionally, here’s a folk remedy for treating the common cold: apply menthol oil to the child’s spine and gently massage until it heats up. Pay attention to the strength, avoiding skin damage. Cover the child with an appropriate amount of clothing during the massage to prevent catching a chill again. This method can be performed multiple times a day, depending on the child’s skin tolerance. Meanwhile, it is recommended to give the child plenty of fluids and nutritious food.