
The baby is one year old and has been experiencing diarrhea, about six to seven times a day. The baby is still being breastfed, and there is a suspicion that this may be related to breast milk. Is it suitable to wean the baby during this season?


It is suitable to wean the baby during this season. Before weaning, make sure the baby has been introduced to other foods, such as formula milk. If the baby has diarrhea, it is recommended to conduct a stool test first. If the test does not show any red or white blood cells, it may not be severe; if red and white blood cells are found, medical attention should be sought immediately. Additionally, if the baby has diarrhea after drinking formula milk, it may be lactose intolerance. It is suggested to cook a thick rice porridge and feed the baby only the top layer of thin rice soup to help adapt to the weaning process. Weaning is a transitional process, and parents should handle it with patience and care. Infants’ digestive systems are more sensitive, so abnormalities should be closely monitored and dealt with in a timely manner. Are there any other questions or areas where you need assistance?