
A little girl, just one and a half years old, has been experiencing crying during bowel movements recently, with her stool being rather dry. The parents have tried giving her bananas, watermelons, and other fruits daily, but the effect is not satisfactory. How should this problem be addressed?


Firstly, it is recommended to avoid allowing the child to have a preference for certain foods and to increase the intake of fibrous vegetables. If the child has a habit of drinking milk, consider temporarily stopping it. Additionally, a cup of honey water can be given daily, but it should be noted that it is not advisable to continue long-term consumption after the symptoms are relieved. Constipation may be due to reduced intestinal peristalsis, leading to the inability of intestinal secretions to be expelled in time. If constipation is caused by insufficient water intake, appropriate treatment should be based on the specific situation. Establishing good bowel habits is also crucial for improving this issue.