
A child has developed a few small blisters on their hands, which healed on their own without treatment. The doctor said that the child has the corresponding antibodies in their body, so no treatment is needed. What could be the possible reasons for this situation?


There are two possible reasons for blisters to appear on a child’s hands: one is simple hand miliaria rubra, and the other is an early symptom of hand, foot, and mouth disease. It is recommended to inquire about the child’s conscious symptoms in detail, whether there is accompanying mild or severe itching. If itching is present, the possibility of miliaria rubra is higher. If only fever symptoms are present, it is advisable to go to the local hospital for a routine blood test to rule out hand, foot, and mouth disease. Once diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease, oral vitamin treatment can be chosen. If oral mucosal blisters occur, recovery solution can be used for gargle to promote the maximum recovery of skin damage.