
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease has been widespread recently, and parents are hoping to understand how to differentiate between mild and severe cases so that they can better prevent it for their children.


Hand, Foot, and Mouth Syndrome is an acute childhood infectious disease caused by a virus. Its main features include the appearance of macules and papules on the oral cavity, palm of the hands, and sole of the feet, accompanied by pain. Sometimes, rashes may also appear on the buttocks. Children with the disease usually have upper respiratory symptoms such as fever, with a course of about one week. Due to the formation of ulcers after the blisters in the oral cavity break open, children may experience extreme discomfort, affecting their eating. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment usually adopts methods of clearing heat, resolving exterior symptoms, and eliminating damp toxins. Parents should pay attention to preventing regional infections caused by scratching. The disease is generally mild with a good prognosis.