
Hello, I have a question about a 2-year-old child’s constipation issue. The child has been experiencing constipation since the first month after birth. Despite seeking medical attention and following the doctor’s advice, paying attention to diet, drinking plenty of water, and increasing fruit intake, the situation has not improved. At the same time, various methods considered effective have been tried but have not seen any improvement. How should we handle this?


Generally, constipation in young children may be caused by overly refined foods. It is recommended to increase the intake of high-fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and sweet potatoes. Additionally, cultivating good bowel habits, such as having a fixed time for bowel movements every day, especially after dinner, is important. When bowel movements are difficult, you can try inserting a small amount of soap water into the anus to promote bowel movements. Moreover, you can stimulate intestinal peristalsis by massaging the abdomen regularly. The specific method is to use the palm of your hand to make circular clockwise massages on the child’s abdomen for 5 to 10 times, ensuring that the palm is gently pressed against the skin.