
My baby is 66 days old and has been having green, runny stools since around 40 days after birth. The stool has no bubbles and contains no other substances, occurring once a day at a fixed time. I’ve been giving the baby probiotics for a week now, but there’s been no improvement. What should I do if a three-month-old baby has green diarrhea?


Hello. It’s very important that you pay attention to your child’s stool situation. In traditional Chinese medicine, ’eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, and sleeping’ are considered the five constants, which are important for diagnosing and treating diseases. A healthy infant, as long as the five constants are satisfying, will not cry or be restless and will be calm and adorable. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that there are many reasons for a child to have green stool, such as spleen and stomach discomfort leading to green stool, being startled or scared causing kidney damage leading to green stool, and excessive liver or heart fire also leading to green stool. In most cases, it is not advisable to take medication because the child’s delicate organs cannot bear the burden of medication.