
My son is almost 6 months old and has been exclusively on formula. Lately, he’s had diarrhea after eating too many different things; his stool contains water and milk curds, but his appetite and mood are still good. What methods can I use to immediately stop the diarrhea?


If the diarrhea is not caused by food, avoid giving your baby any medication without consulting a healthcare professional, as your baby’s safety is paramount. Also, remember to ensure your baby drinks plenty of water to prevent dehydration. You can give your baby some cooked apple pieces, which can be added to porridge after being cooked; cooked apples have the effect of regulating the intestines and drying up stools. Additionally, you can give your baby some cooked apple puree. Cover your baby’s abdomen while sleeping to prevent them from catching a cold; if the room temperature is too low, you can gently place a hot water bottle on your baby’s abdomen, but be sure to control the temperature to avoid burning the baby. You can also give your baby some warm drinks or gently rub your baby’s abdomen with warm hands. Keep a close eye on whether your baby experiences specific diarrhea after eating certain foods; if so, consult a doctor to rule out foodborne and allergic diseases.