
A three-month-old baby has developed dry stools after drinking milk and has not had a bowel movement since the 15th. How should one handle this constipation situation?


Constipation is a common issue, especially when the diet is low in fiber and high in protein. Infants with constipation may cry continuously during bowel movements and could even suffer from anal fissures. Anal fissures can lead to a baby’s fear of defecation, creating a vicious circle ( vicious circle), which may eventually cause symptoms like abdominal bloating, decreased appetite, and sleep disturbances. When dealing with a baby’s constipation, it’s first important to ensure that the baby’s diet includes adequate fluids and a sufficient amount of fiber. Parents can try adjusting the baby’s diet by adding vegetables purees or fruit purees, which are rich in fiber. Additionally, appropriate abdominal massage can help promote intestinal peristalsis and alleviate constipation. If constipation persists or is accompanied by other discomforts, it should be addressed promptly.