A four-year-old girl is experiencing loose stools with an egg-yolk-like smell, defecating four to five times daily, but each time the amount is not much. Her mental state and diet have not shown any abnormalities. This condition has persisted for over ten days, and past diagnoses and treatments have been limited.
The frequency of the girl’s stools is abnormal, and the presence of an egg-yolk-like smell in the stools may indicate protein malabsorption. According to the description, the patient may be suffering from dyspepsia due to poor gastrointestinal function and intestinal flora imbalance, which is related to individual constitution and gastrointestinal condition. It is recommended to use medication to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and to supplement probiotics to regulate the intestinal flora. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid consuming greasy foods, and to encourage the girl to engage in more physical activity and abdominal massage to promote the improvement of gastrointestinal motility.