
My child is six months old, breastfeeding, and has several bowel movements a day, all green and runny with foam. What’s going on?


There could be several reasons for your baby’s green stool:

  1. Starvation stool: Due to insufficient feeding, the main component of the stool is intestinal secretions, appearing dark brown or dark green, with frequent movements and small amounts, containing mucus.
  2. Indigestion: The stool is yellow-green in color, watery in texture, and uneven. It could be because the baby’s stomach was exposed to cold, so please ensure the baby’s abdomen is not exposed to the cold, as the umbilical cord can also cause the baby to have green stool due to discomfort. The elderly say you might have gotten overheated from just starting work, and the baby has taken milk and also got overheated. This saying has no scientific basis. It is recommended to consult a professional doctor for an accurate diagnosis and advice.