
My son is just one year old, and for the past few days, he has been having two to three bowel movements a day, which are not formed. His appetite is normal. Before, he had one bowel movement a day, which was well-formed. A few days ago, I gave him a digestion pill, and I’m not sure if it was too strong for the medication. What other medicine should I give him? Thank you for the expert advice.


In the case of viral diarrhea, if the child’s condition is still manageable, with five to six bowel movements a day and normal urine output and spirits, home treatment can be considered. You can use some anti-diarrheal medications, drink more saltwater, and have a little rice gruel. Generally, this will help them comfortably get through the 3 to 5-day acute phase. If the child’s viral diarrhea is severe, with reduced urine output and poor spirits, and symptoms of dehydration appear, they will need to be treated by a doctor at our hospital.