
My baby is nine months old. The regular stool test shows white blood cells + and a few pus cells. The doctor prescribed: Xin Daluo 2/3 packet per dose, three times a day; Wang’s Baohesi Pill 9 pills per dose, three times a day; 999 Keyer ZhiXie Granules 1/2 packet per dose, three times a day. Is this okay?


Gastroenteritis is a common pediatric disease that usually resolves quickly. However, improper treatment can lead to severe complications, even death. Most gastroenteritis cases are caused by viral or bacterial infections. The main transmission route is through the mouth, with rotavirus being more common in winter and Salmonella infection being predominant in summer. Severe vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so when a child’s diarrhea becomes more frequent or severe, parents should be vigilant about signs of dehydration, such as abnormally dry mouth and tongue, loss of skin elasticity, significantly reduced urine output, and the child may appear restless or even dazed. If the child exhibits any of these symptoms or if parents have any doubts, they should bring the child to see a doctor as soon as possible.