
My child is 9 months old and cries and fusses a lot. We’ve been supplementing with calcium for a long time, but there hasn’t been much improvement. What should we do? Moreover, my breast milk is not enough, and he doesn’t eat properly or drink formula milk. Is it appropriate to wean him now?


It’s not just about calcium deficiency; how can a child not cry and fuss if they’re not eating enough? There might be a deficiency in vitamin D or calcium. It’s important to get tested instead of blindly supplementing. At 9 months, it’s crucial to emphasize the introduction of complementary foods. If the child doesn’t eat properly or drink formula milk, there might be an underlying condition, and it’s advisable to consult a doctor, who can provide solutions. It’s not appropriate to wean the child now; it should be done when the child has good appetite, mood, and during a good season. Simply supplementing with calcium isn’t enough; vitamin D3 should also be supplemented, and more sunlight exposure is necessary. It’s not appropriate to wean the child now; wait until autumn when it cools down, and increase your fluid intake to ensure adequate breast milk supply.