
The infant is experiencing persistent diarrhea with greenish watery stools. They have been taking medications such as Montmorillonite Powder, Intestine Life, and Probiotics, but there has been no improvement, lasting for five to six days. What could be the possible causes of this situation? Is it related to being startled?


Persistent diarrhea in infants, especially those breastfed, may be physiological diarrhea, which is not a disease. The characteristics of physiological diarrhea include: daily bowel movements not exceeding 8 times, with each bowel movement containing little volume; although the stools are not formed, there is little water content, and the stool and water are not separated; no peculiar odor, may be yellow or partially green, may contain milk residue; normal urine output; the baby is in good spirits, appetite is normal, without fever, abdominal distension, or abdominal pain; normal weight gain, regular stool checks show normal or occasionally white blood cells and a small amount of fat particles. If the baby meets the above characteristics, there is no need to worry excessively, but if symptoms persist or other discomforts arise, it is recommended to consult a professional physician.