
A one-and-a-half-year-old infant has two ulcers on the left side of the tongue and one on the inner side of the lips. The child experiences pain while eating, is unable to suckle from a bottle normally, and this condition has been ongoing for 2-3 days. How should one handle such oral ulcer issues?


These symptoms are often due to herpetic stomatitis, usually caused by a viral infection. It is recommended to apply a herpes ointment or use a Shuangxiu frost spray topically in the affected area, while also undergoing systemic antiviral treatment. If secondary infection occurs, consider using antibiotics. Additionally, attention should be paid to oral hygiene, encourage the child to drink more water, and consider giving vitamin B2 supplements. Use the Shuangxiu frost spray for treatment and observe whether the condition improves gradually. In terms of diet, avoid hot and spicy foods, and seek medical professional examination and treatment.