
An infant, fed on breast milk, experienced more than six bowel movements a day. Initially, this was mistaken for a normal occurrence. However, in May, it was diagnosed with chronic colitis, and after taking cod liver oil, green watery stools and white substances were observed. How should it be managed?


Chronic colitis encompasses a range of conditions from mild mucosal inflammation to severe inflammation of the submucosal, muscular layers, and even the surrounding rectal tissues. Weak constitution, low resistance, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, respiratory tract infections, post-infection states, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, anal rectal prolapse, anal fistulae, polyposis, anal rectal stenosis, rectal tumors, rectal injury, foreign bodies, and others can all lead to rectal inflammation. In severe cases, immediate surgical treatment may be required. Additionally, dietary mishaps such as excessive alcohol consumption, overindulgence in spicy foods, improper use of laxatives, excessive use of corrosive drugs in the anus, bacterial infections, and others can also cause colitis.