
How can you check for cytomegalovirus at four and a half months pregnant? What are the postpartum check-up projects? What are the modes of transmission for cytomegalovirus?


At four and a half months pregnant, a comprehensive TOCH negative test can be conducted to screen for cytomegalovirus. Postpartum, the secretion of breast milk can be checked, and if there is a CMV weak positive reaction, there may be a cytomegalovirus infection. Cytomegalovirus can be transmitted through blood, saliva, body fluids, and breast milk. If CMV is detected in breast milk, it is best to stop breastfeeding to avoid the transmission of cytomegalovirus.


Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease, also known as cytomegalovirus infection, is a congenital or acquired systemic infectious disease caused by human cytomegalovirus infection. It is recommended to further clarify the diagnosis. If further confirmed to be infected with cytomegalovirus, treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.