
A four-month-old baby is passing green feces that is almost black in color. Does this indicate food indigestion? What medication should be used for treatment? Additionally, can a breastfeeding mother drink tea made from mixed herbs such as cassia seed, hawthorn, and chrysanthemum?


When a child exhibits symptoms of food indigestion, due to potentially weakened gastrointestinal function, forcing feeding may lead to vomiting and further burden the gastrointestinal system, so it is not recommended to force feeding. During periods of food indigestion in infants and toddlers, the diet should primarily consist of light and easy-to-digest foods, avoiding overly greasy and cold foods. It is generally suggested to adopt a small and frequent meals approach. For infants with food indigestion, appropriate probiotics and other digestive aids can be administered to promote gastrointestinal motility and help alleviate symptoms of food indigestion.